Does motorcycle insurance cover my helmet and safety gear?

Riding a motorcycle is a thrilling experience but comes with various safety risks in Commerce, GA. That’s why it’s essential to know that your motorcycle insurance will cover your helmet and any other safety gear you may need. In this post, North Georgia Insurance Center explains motorcycle insurance coverage and what it protects.

What Does Motorcycle Insurance Typically Cover?

Motorcycle insurance typically covers any damage or injuries that occur as a result of an accident. This includes medical bills, repairs to the bike, and even liability expenses if you are found at fault in an accident. Depending on your policy type, it may also cover things like theft or vandalism, roadside assistance, and rental car reimbursement if your bike is unusable due to an accident or repair.

Does Motorcycle Insurance Cover Helmets and Other Safety Gear?

Regarding helmets and other safety gear, most insurance policies do not cover these items specifically. However, if you are covered by medical bills as part of your policy, those costs will be covered if you are injured while wearing a helmet or other safety gear. Additionally, some policies offer specific coverage for accessories such as helmets and leather jackets—it all depends on the insurer’s policy language. Be sure to read through your policy carefully to determine what types of coverage are included in your plan.

It’s important to understand precisely what your motorcycle insurance policy covers before hitting the road in Commerce, GA. That way, you know what type of protection you have should anything happen during your ride. If you still have questions, contact North Georgia Insurance Center today. We are here to help.