Do You Need Year-Round RV Insurance Coverage?

Approximately 9 million American families own some sort of RV. Of that number, only about 1 million live in their RVs full-time. That means nearly 8 million RV owners may have too much RV insurance. After all, if your RV is in storage for 6 to 8 months of the year, should you be paying for year-round coverage? 

North Georgia Insurance Center is here to help you find out how to find the right RV insurance.

Year-Round RV Insurance

If you’re like most proud RV owners around Commerce, GA, you take three or four trips a year, typically in the spring and summer. The rest of the time your RV is either in a storage facility or on your own property. You may be paying for full coverage even in the off-season. 

Unless something really strange happens, your RV should be safe from all those dangers present on the highways of America. 

But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have any insurance. While you may not get into a fender bender in your stationary RV, other things could happen that insurance can cover. So, what’s your alternative to year-round RV insurance?

Storage-Only RV Insurance

Your best bet for coverage during the off-season, storage-only RV insurance is worth looking into. Essentially, it’s designed to provide coverage for those things that may happen to your RV while it’s in storage. 

In some cases, premiums can decrease depending on where your storage unit is located. If you keep your RV at your home, you may be able to find very affordable coverage, depending on where you live. 

To find out more about storage-only coverage for your RV, contact North Georgia Insurance Center in Commerce, GA, today!